Cornus Fruit 山茱萸 (산수유) – Dried Loose Berry from 100% Nature (64 oz (4.0 lbs)) Review

Cornus Fruit 山茱萸 (산수유) - Dried Loose Berry from 100% Nature (64 oz (4.0 lbs))

  • Premium Cornus Fruit 山茱萸 (산수유),
  • Harvested from China and sun-dried from 100% Nature
  • Known as Powerful Yin essence tonic
  • Rich in antioxidants, polyphenols and minerals
  • Enjoy nature’s refreshment and healing

Size:64 oz (4.0 lbs)

Cornus is a type of tree found in the woodland regions of China and Korea. It grows to a height of about 30 feet, and contains fleshy, green oval-shaped leaves and small, berry-shaped fruit. Both the fruit and bark are used medicinally, but for different conditions. The fruits are harvested when ripe, then dried for future use. They can also be eaten as food, either raw or cooked. Cornus has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years. The fruit is associated with the kidneys and reproductive system (and to a lesser extent, the liver), and is characterized as being slightly warm and having a sour taste. Cornus is rarely taken alone, but is often used in formulas that control body fluids and treat excessive sweating and urination. How much cornus should I take? The dosage of cornus used depending on the condition being treated and the formula into which it is incorporated. If it is being used alone, most practitioners recommend 5-10 grams daily, either as a decoction or tincture. Dosage can be increased to 30 grams if necessary.

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