Fo-Ti Root Slice, He Shou Wu 何首乌(하수오) – Polygonum multiflorum Loose Root Slice, US Seller (32 oz) Review

Fo-Ti Root Slice, He Shou Wu 何首乌(하수오) - Polygonum multiflorum Loose Root Slice, US Seller (32 oz)

  • Polygonum multiflorum Loose Root Slice
  • Known to maintain the healthful cleaning functions of the kidney and liver
  • considered by many to have “anti-aging” and “longevity increasing” activity
  • Rich in Zinc that plays important roles in growth and development, the immune response, neurological function and reproduction
  • Enjoy nature’s refreshment and healing

Size:32 oz

Fo-Ti (He Shou Wu) Fo-Ti root, or He Shou Wu (pronounced huh – similar to English “huh”, but not as open – show woo) is one of the most popular and highly revered tonic herbs in Asian herbalism. He Shou Wu is the prepared tuberous root of Polygonum multiflorum, a plant that grows in the mountains of central and southern China. It shares the position as the primary essence (Jing) tonic of Chinese herbalism with the Goji berry. By virtue of its ability to accumulate tremendous quantities of Qi into its root, this herb can tonify the human and animal organs and can tonify and nourish the blood. He Shou Wu is not a stimulant. However, it is one of the greatest energy tonics known to mankind. Its action is cumulative, as any truly healthy tonic dietary supplement would be. Because it is a very mild sedative, it will calm the nervous system. So it can be said that He Shou Wu is both energizing and calming. That is the magic of a great tonic herb.

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